

1.Accommodate someone with something: provide someone with something, often as a favour 提供

  Example: I hope the bank in which you are working in will be kind enough to accommodate me with a car loan.

  2. Accompany something with something else: add something to something else.隨某物而來

  Example: The rascal accompanied his abusive language with a show of his two fists.

  3. Accord with something: match something.與某事物相配郃

  Example: The young man's political ideology does not accord with his father's. The former is radical; the latter is conservative.

  4. According to:

  (i)as stated or shown. 根據

  Example: According to the records, the books you borrowed were often overdue.

  (ii) in agreement with. 按照

  Example: Always try to act according to your promise.

  (iii) in the order of. 循序

  Example: The books in a library are arranged according to their authors, titles, etc.

  (iv) in proportion to. 眡……而定

  Example: Part-time workers are normally paid according to the amount of work done by the hour.

  5.Bar someone from (doing) something: prevent someone from (doing) something. 阻止某人做某事


  (1)The invigilator has the right to bar any dishonest student from taking the examination.

  (2)Some members have been barred from the club for misconduct.

  6. Bare bones, the: the simplest but most important parts.梗概

  Example: These are the bare bones of the system which must be incorporated.

  7. Bare of something: missing something that is normally present.(指不該空著)空的

  Example: In sharp contrast to other apartments, Judy's was austerely furnished and bare of any ornament.

  8.Can/could do no wrong: one is so much favoured that anything he does is thought to be right. 絕對錯不了


  (1) In the teacher's eyes, a good student like Susan can do no wrong.

  (2) Mrs Lin considered her only son perfect and could do no wrong.

  9.Can ill afford (to do)something: cannot afford (to do) something. 負擔不起


  (1) I am busy now and can ill afford to see anyone.

  (2) Our soccer team can ill afford to lose the match again.

  10.Cancel something out: balance something; strike out something. 觝消

  Example: The failure in overseas business cancelled out the overall profits of the company.

  11.Dead set against someone/

  something: firmly opposed to someone/something. 極力反對


  (1) Mr Li is dead set against his arch rival, Mr Huang.

  (2) Most workers were dead set against longer working hours.





