


  1.分析文章標題:Irish(愛爾蘭的) Dolphins(海豚) may have a unique(獨特的) dialect(語言, 方言)
  2.直接解題:   1. The difference in (在...方麪的差異)eating(飲食的) habits(習慣)between(在...之間) the bottle-nose dolphins(寬吻海豚) and the sperm whales (巨頭鯨)interested(使...感興趣) the SDWF(香辳海豚與野生動物基金會) scientists(科學家).
  A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
  1.C. 細節題。 利用問題句中的細節信息詞bottle-nose dolphins, sperm whales, eating habits和特征詞SDWF(香辳海豚與野生動物基金會) scientists共同作爲答案線索,在文章中查找答案相關句:
  Irish scientists monitoring dolphins living in a river estuary in the southwest of the country believe they may have developed a unique dialect to communicate with each other.
  The Shannon Dolphin and Wildlife Foundation (SDWF)1 has been studying (一直在研究)a group of(一組) up to (多達,直到)120 bottle-nose dolphins (寬吻海豚)in the River Shannon using vocalisations (發聲)collected on a computer (被收集在計算機裡)in a cowshed (牛棚) near the River Shannon.
  As part of a research project, student Ronan Hickey digitised and analysed a total of 1,882 whistles from the Irish dolphins and those4 from the Welsh dolphins on a computer and separated them into six fundamental whistle types and 32 different categories5. Of the categories, he found most6 were used by both sets of dolphins7 -- but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins.
  "We are building up a catalogue of the different whistle types they use and trying to associate them with behaviour like foraging, resting, socialising and the communications of groups with calves," project leader Simon Berrow said."Essentially we are building up what is like a dictionary of words they use or sounds they make."
  Berrow, a marine biologist, said the dolphins' clicks are used to find their way around and locate prey. The whistles are communications."They do a whole range of other sounds like barks, groans and a kind of gunshot," he said."The gunshot(射擊, ) is an intense(強烈的) pulse of sound(脈沖聲). Sperm whales use it to stun(使暈倒) their prey(獵物).
  "When I first heard(聽到) it I was surprised (感到喫驚)as I thought (認爲)sperm whales (巨頭鯨)were the only species(物種) who used it. We can speculate(推測) the dolphins(海豚) are using it for the same reason (爲了與...同樣的原因)as the sperm whales(巨頭鯨)," Berrow said.
  References8 in local legend indicate there have been dolphins in the Shannon estuary for generations and they may even have been resident there as far back as the 6th century9.
  They are regularly seen by passengers on the Shannon ferry and an estimated 25,000 tourists every year take special sightseeing tours on local boats to visit them.
  與問題句可能相關的語句中都沒有涉及到問題句的內容, 因此判斷問題句的內容在文章中沒有被提到。實際上通過單詞查找, 我們會發現細節信息eating habit(飲食習慣)這個短語, 連同它的一些詞義相關詞,如:eat, food, feed on(以...爲食)在文章中根本就沒有出現, 衹要問題句中有一部分信息在文章中沒有出現, 我們就需要把這個問題句的內容判斷爲“沒有被提到”。





