再談記憶歌詞 再談記憶歌詞介紹

再談記憶歌詞 再談記憶歌詞介紹,第1張

再談記憶歌詞 再談記憶歌詞介紹,第2張

再談記憶歌詞 再談記憶歌詞介紹

原|2022-07-06 10:47:55|瀏覽:64


Open my eyes in morning rain

And gently find out black shoes

Clouds are slowly drifting by who is crying under the sky

It’s maybe the slowest bus. Which colour for her is right?

And I see all the teenagers ‘ eyes, you tell me they are tough and red.

Say, say it again, sometimes the memory was winding my mind.

Say, say it again, you know the past things could set me free.

Put up you in sandwiches hands, oh I think it not really cool

You tell me truth will not be here, I’ve found it in your eyes.

It’s maybe the slowest bus.

2、《再談記憶》(Say it again)是磐尼西林樂隊縯唱的一首歌曲。

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