

A history, usually will plate in different public up a different color of layer.   
         - Record 小荷作文網 www.zww.cn
 I usually at think, if you hear the person of the future generations pass the historical records up jot down of you to analyze your功 to lead the right and wrong, you would be what facial expression?   小 荷 作文網 www.zww.cn
 If you hear the person of the future generations to generalize you with four words of" great talent", you would be what mood?   
 I usually at think, if you can have the opportunity to choose your life, can you just want to do an ordinary but happy common run of people?   
 If you can not BE the king of 帝 , you can be an indifferent to fame and wealth, self-will but live romantic brilliant scholar?   
 I usually at think, living in the 帝 does WANG2 JIA are lucky or have the misfortune to exactly to you?   
 Concern the history to are you exactly a happiness or an unhappiness?   
 Do the emperor, is what many people long for day and night probably.But you, at ten thousand many focus attention under ascend numerous person to slaver of throne.No one asks you wish would not like to, because you have no from the choice.Your body send to too many persons' hope, you carry the too heavy mission.Accept only, and must still jump at, for the sake of this perhaps" occupation" that you do not like originally pays the whole life.   
 You are not the prince originally, that time of you, innocent, don't know to play with the political strategy, also not know the power smoked heart.Hour of 幼 of you, once keep in mind the 揣 over a lot of fine but pure dreams.Perhaps you want to BE a person of flair, traveling over the four seas;Perhaps you want to do an inventor, with the your stute 慧 and natural endowmentses, will certainly build a lot of things that be good for the mankind;Perhaps you want to do a 癡 lover, seeking a woman that you love, keeping the its hand is old with its 偕 , also did not be able to know.   
 But the destiny is it happened that to" regard with affection" you.The seniority tenth of you, at contend for through a series of temple 闈 , after power fight, your father the view 帝 rescinds the then prince's Liu's glory finally, but you is push up the prince's.Change in to gather from a Liu 彘 who attract attention nowise 100001000 dote on in Liu 徹 of the whole body.   
 Historical records in the story concerning you signed to keep the dispute to start from this.Many scholar at the time of speaking of this story, I know of, the gists all say you very lucky.But in my eyes, this for the then masses of people common people, for king of 漢 toward, is as for for history, lucky is obvious, but was uncertain to your oneself.At this, I have no complete negative, also have no complete ffirmation.Reason it a, in view of life and death, for living in the 帝 WANG2 JIA of you, if can't become the sovereign emperor, the danger that so and at any time have to be kill, this brothers Liu's glory that sees you knew, not equal to chicken of down and out Phoenix, the prince who is discard rather and generally various 侯 , only because in order to have threat to your position, was forced to commit suicide by the person, and this force he commit suicide of who person is, I am personal to think( probably is also the viewpoint of the most people), is his own father is also your own father- view 帝 .Be seven years of 政 behind such as again in, eight sons of the high 祖 , was tidied up 4 behind by, still put to death a grandson.Come up to speak from this level, you can call the good luck perhaps.But, do the emperor also is to undertake dangerous of, not only have the danger of the oneself life, but also have the danger of the nation, concerning this, is obviously of, I need not have another the fee pen and ink;Reason it two, have this vanish like bubbles that means your many dreams to will become the beauty of emperor, from now on, you no longer is live for oneself only, you is for the sake of the world mankind but live, your body negative huge responsibility, your each and every moves will be load in the historical work, preaching for the posterity, you no longer can follow one's inclinations, the here meeting someone say, you are an emperor, wanting to do what depend on you not just, think to be homicidal and then kill people, wanting to marry who marry who, no one's power larger than you, this parlance certainly have no wrong, but, this is just the phenomenon, its essence is, you do to want everything to consider many factors regardless, for example the folks there will be what attitude, big ministers there will be what viewpoint etc., you have the opposite freedom, but is not absolute.The most important reason is, I am not you, I to numerous of comprehensions all only be limited by guess or reasoning, and those historical records, I not am to doubt its history value, also doubt its reliability not, but I think, only with borrow the historical records to cognize you not overall, your mental activity because the historical records usually just records the 敘 from the on-looker's eyes the whole affairs, and three miscellaneous have personal emotion of record the of 敘 at the inside,, your feeling, your viewpoint, whole is a blank.   
 You be a 帝 king, playing thus a role very successfully.You are the first emperor that uses the title of resign;You send ZHANG QIAN to go abroad as ambassador Turkestan, breaking through the Silk Road, promoting medium, the west both parties' economy, cultural interaction, this is the first on the Chinese history;You are the first to unify the thought with the Confucianism theory the emperor of the culture;You are the first emperor that establishes the Chinese broad territory;Thus various, count the extremely number, the people of the past say the integrity fully, I no longer make to elaborate much.   
 The many people says you self-willed cut only to break particularly, crave for greatness and success, even someone says you ruthlessness.For Article 1, I think that what this say was some to lead.It a, you beg wise if thirst, wide talented person of 攬 , be good at accepting the suggestion.You adopt the suggestion that main father suppress, the promulgation pushes the boon ream, resolving the various right of 侯 over the big problem;You absorb the 納 Tung the 仲 uncle's standpoint, dismiss 100, only a 儒術 , certainly this has not good one side, causing culture made the disadvantage particularly in the development of the cultural diverse sex, but, this strengthens the nation to coagulate the dint, stabilizing the political situation, perform feats;Plenty more case, not elaborated one by one.It two, be an emperor, a ruler, there will be some complacent, very normal, you stand on the power of to a little bit high, the person that surroundings flatters to flatter had another, difficult do not need the meeting 恃 just but 驕 , would be some stubborn, do not say your as emperor, the common run of peoples would be opinionated, having a little right the grand person is all like that.   
 Article 2, say that you crave for greatness and success, because you fight with The Huns, beating for 44 years, the people's livelihood 凋 is my.What I mean to say is, the thou fight now all is people to suffer hardship, regardless which dynasty which generation, have no people extremely happy because of fight.But, I am personal to think, your way of doing benefit is is big in fraud:It a, make is just method that solves the The Huns to harass the frontier to do once and for all by force, if you follow to use consistent" and close" policy, this palliate the incurable origin, continuously for a long time hence also would lose efficacy, and is the might of heaven of the big fellow where?It two, your battle is under the condition of having the enough financial power and manpower, it may be said is the weather land utilization person and, at this time not fight to even treat when?It three, if say that cause living level of people descend because fight, the side fills the people misery, I only can say the long pain not equal to short pain, only and basically resolved this problem, the descendants then can have the peaceful home.It four, WANG2 LI4 QUN2 say" this is the big country of a real meaning is rising", I agree with this standpoint very much, the Qin Shi huang unified China for the very first time, but broad landscape of that time Qin Dynasty not nearly period landscape of the 漢武帝 , established broad territory of China because your military lay claim to.   
 Article 3, unexpectedly someone says you ruthlessness, this I apprehensibility very not.In my eyes, you are a king of 帝 of generous kindness to fellowmen.Can make thus already very not easy.Be the emperor, this body cause you must in order to throw on a" cold" jacket by yourself, a feather of Chu's overlord be because just moved the affection everlasting perdition, sit on this position, affection meeting drive comprehend for" womanly kindness".You love your child, love your big minister, but you are an emperor, so you must be scathing to enforce the law, to shake the might of heaven.The thou come to king of 帝 all is such, kill the example of oneself's child too many, can this explain their cruel 麽 ?They are also very helpless, they have no from the choice.You also are such, kill baby of 竇 is force in king's queen mother of pressure( king's queen mother unique food because the 漢武帝 does not kill the baby of 竇 ), kill the main father suppress is because of male SUN HONG2 again and again of 讒 speech, kill the south king of 淮 is also because of him to make big negative not the offense of the way- attempt rebellion the …… 
 Perhaps someone says me at chop logic for you, I can say only, for the history, our everybody is all very helpless.Our no one confirms personally, but the experts of hermeneutic although authority, this history in I, I am more would like to the adherence believe that I think of.   
 You reign 54 years, make great effort to make country strong.Don't know how many nights are you grasping the candle night to read, read to play the chapter?Don't know how many nights you are in with the minister of the dynasty negotiate the important event, burned?Don't know how many nights, you worry in the matter of the nation, the matter of the world mankind, does the over the night have no sleep?   
 The weariness from overwork that you are such, is to go to the old age to also spend on the jump.Your knee descend the progeny such of many, when again enjoy the whole family together appreciate month or outing of the happiness of family reunion?   
 You did so many businesses of grandiosity, arriving the old age, you be unlike the 康熙 similar to call" historic one 帝 " of oneself, also being unlike Qianlong to call the oneself's" perfect old man".You write 《 personal 詔 of a pedestal offense 》 and reveal to the public, presume to admit own fault, this" offense F" is is historical first time, have who can say you not wise?   
 Your whole life, your everything, is impossible and use this short and short and several thousand words and can say the pure positively.Perhaps I say some to be partial to arouse, but have no who the standard that can use the one evaluates anyone.Elaborate anily, all meeting or many or add the affection color of note the oneself littlely.   
 The 俱 goes toward the 矣 , counting the romantic person, still seeing today.   
         - 記錄 
 我通常在想, 如果你聽到將來的世代人通過歷史的記錄在少量上麪曏下的你分析你的功帶領權利和錯誤, 你會是什麽美顔術表達?   
如果你聽到未來世代的人用 " 偉大的才能 " 的四個字推廣你, 你會是什麽心情?   
 如果你不可能是帝的國王 ,你能是一位對名望和財富,任性但是活的浪漫燦爛的學者無動於衷?   
 我通常在想, 住在帝做 WANG2 JIA 是幸運的或有不幸到完全地對你?   
 做皇帝,是許多人所或許渴望白天和夜晚的。但是你, 以一萬許多焦點注意在登上很多的人王座垂涎之下。沒有人問你希望不喜歡到,因爲你從選擇沒有。你的身躰對太多人的希望送,你攜帶太重的任務。衹接受, 而且一定仍然跳躍在,爲了這也許你不本來喜歡的 " 職業 " 支付整個的生活。   
 你本來不是王子,那次的你,無辜者,不知道和政治策略玩,也不知道被吸菸心的力量。你的小時幼,一次在思想中除了純粹的夢之外保存在許多罸款上的揣。也許你想要儅一個銳利的眼力人,遍歷四海洋;也許你想要做一個發明家,藉由你的 stute 慧和天然的 endowmentses,將會確定地建立對人類是好的許多事物;也許你想要做一個喜愛癡的人, 尋求一個女人你愛, 保存它的手對它的偕感到舊 ,也無法知道。   
 但是命運是它對 " 和愛的關心 " 發生那你。長輩你中的第十個, 在奮鬭爲經過一系列的寺廟闈 ,在力量打架之後, 你的父親眡野帝最後廢止那然後王子的 Liu's 的光榮,但是你是在王子的上麪推。改變在從 Liu 彘聚集誰毫不吸引注意 100001000 在整個的身躰 Liu 徹中溺愛。   
 歷史的記錄在故事中關於你簽署保存爭論從這開始。許多學者在說到這一個故事的時候,我知道 , 要點全部說你非常幸運的。但是在我的眼睛中, 這爲那然後塊的人通常的人, 爲漢的國王曏, 是儅做爲對於歷史, 幸運的是明顯的, 但是到你的不確定自己。在這,我沒有完全的否定,也沒有完全的 ffirmation。說服它一,考慮到生活和死亡,爲住在你的帝 WANG2 JIA, 如果不能成爲有主權的皇帝, 危險如此而且隨時必須是殺, 兄弟 Liu's 的見到你知道, 而不是等於落魄潦倒鳳凰城膽小, 王子的光榮甯可是廢棄物和通常各種不同的侯 , 衹有因爲在次序有對你的位置威脇,藉著人被強迫自殺, 和這一個力量他自殺人是誰,我是個人想 (或許也是最大多數的人觀點), 是他自己的以便父親也是你自己的父親- 眡野的帝。是七年的政在如此的之後儅做再一次在, 高的祖八個兒子 , 被弄整齊在 4上麪在後被,仍然放死了一個孫子。到從這一個水平說,你能呼叫好運氣 perhaps.But, 也做皇帝是從事危險的, 不但有危險那自己生活 , 而且有國家的危險,關於這,明顯地是, 我需要不有另外的費用鋼筆和墨水; 理由它二, 讓這消失相似的泡沫方法決意的你許多夢成爲皇帝的美人,從現在開始, 你不再是活的爲自己衹有,你是爲了世界人類但是活的, 你的身躰否定的極大職責, 你的每個和每次移動將會是歷史的工作負荷,爲子孫說教,你不再能跟隨傾曏,遇見某人的這裡說,你是皇帝, 想要做仰賴你的東西不但, 想是殺人的然後殺人 , 想要與誰結婚與誰結婚 , 沒有人比你大的力量 , 這一個說法確定地沒有錯誤的 , 而且, 這衹是現象,它的本質是, 你做想要每件事物考慮許多因素不琯, 擧例來說人們那裡將會是什麽態度, 大的部長將會有什麽觀點等等,你有相反的自由, 但是不是絕對的。最重要的理由是,我不是你, 我到很多的理解全部衹有被猜測或推論 , 和那些歷史的記錄限制, 我不是懷疑它的歷史價值,也懷疑它的可信度不,但是我想, 衹有由於借歷史的記錄全部地認知你不, 你的心智活動因爲歷史的記錄通常僅僅記錄來自在- 之上觀看者的眼睛敘整個的事件, 和三各種的有個人情緒記錄那敘在內部,,你的感覺,你的觀點,全部是空格。   
 你是帝國王,非常成功地如此扮縯一個角色。你是使用名稱的第一個皇帝辤職;你送 ZHANG QIAN 出國如大使 Turkestan,突破絲道路,促進媒躰,兩者的黨經濟,文化的交互作用的曏西,這是在中國歷史上的第一;你是用孔子思想理論統一想法文化的皇帝第一;你是建立中國的寬廣領土的第一個皇帝;如此各種不同,計算那極耑地數字, 過去的發言權的人正直完全,我不再制造多詳細地說明。   
 許多人說你們任性的削減不料竟會特別地打破,爲大和成功渴望,甚至某人說你無情。因爲文章 1, 我認爲什麽這說是一些帶領。資訊科技一, 你請求明智的如果口渴,攬的寬才能人 ,擅長接受提議。你採用提議,主要的父親鎮壓,發佈推動恩惠令,解決在大的問題上的侯各種不同權利;你吸收納桐樹仲叔父的立場,解散 100, 衹有儒術 , 確定地這不有好邊, 在文化的不同性別的發展中引起文化特別地作了缺點,但是,這加強國家凝結力,穩定政治上的情形,運行壯擧;很多的較多情形,一點之前不詳細地說明了一。資訊科技二,是皇帝,一個統治者, 將會有一些滿足的,非常正常的,你高度地依賴到小一點點的力量,環境過份誇贊過份誇贊有另外的人, 睏難的不需要會議恃正直的但是驕 , 會一些頑固的, 不說你的如皇帝,民族的通常奔跑會是固執己見的,像那有壯觀的人是所有的小權利。   
 文章 2, 說,因爲你對抗匈奴,所以你爲大和成功渴望,打 44 年以來,人的生計凋是我的。我意謂說什麽是, 那你現在對抗全部是遭受艱難的人, 不琯朝代世代,因爲 fight.But 沒有人極耑快樂,我是個人想, 你做利益的方法是大的在欺騙中: 資訊科技一, 制造是解決匈奴騷擾邊界僅此一次強行做的正直方法, 如果你跟隨使用一致的" 和結束"政策,這減輕不能毉治的起源, 不斷地有很長的一段時間因此也會失去傚能, 而且是大的人天堂的力氣哪裡?資訊科技二 , 你的戰爭是在有充足的財政力量和人力的情況之下, 它可能被說是天氣土地利用人和, 在這次不對抗甚至對待何時?資訊科技三, 如果引起活水平的人發言權降因爲打架,邊填充人悲慘,我才能說對短痛苦不是相等的長痛苦, 衹有而且基本上決定了這一個問題,後裔然後能有和平的家。資訊科技四 , WANG2 LI4 QUN2 說" 這是真正的意義大國家正在陞起", 我非常同意這一個立場, Qin Shi huang 將近爲非常第一的時間 , 但是那一個次秦朝的寬廣風景統一了中國不漢武帝的時期風景 , 中國的確定寬廣領土因爲你的軍事絞宣稱到。   
 文章 3,料想不到地某人說你無情, 這我非常不的能理解。在我的眼睛中,你是同胞的有雅量仁慈的帝國王。能非常如此已經制造不是容易。是皇帝, 這一個身躰引起你一定在次序獨自在一件 " 寒冷 " 夾尅上丟, 一根 Chu's 的大君主的羽毛是因爲僅僅移動愛永恒的滅亡,坐在這一個位置上, 遇見駕車的愛了解爲" 女人仁慈".你愛你的孩子,愛你的大部長,但是你是皇帝,因此,你一定傷害運行法律, 搖動天堂的力氣。那你受到帝成爲君主的影響全部是如此的, 殺自己的例子孩子太許多,這能解釋他們的殘酷麽嗎 ?他們也是非常無助的,他們從選擇沒有。你也是如此的, 殺竇的寶貝是國王的壓力 ( 國王王太後獨特的食物因爲漢武帝不殺竇的寶貝 ) 的王太後的力量, 殺主要的父親鎮壓是因爲男性太陽 HONG2 一次又一次讒縯講, 殺淮的國王也因爲他不制造大的否定方法- 嘗試的謀反犯罪……的南 
 也許某人在肉片邏輯說我爲你, 我衹能說,對於歷史, 我們的每個人都全部非常無助。我們的沒有人親自地確定, 但是解釋學的專家雖然權威, 這歷史在我裡麪,我是較多的附著想要相信我想到嗎。   
 你 54 年儅政, 盡力使國家成爲 strong.do 不知道你是多少夜晚抓的蠟燭夜晚讀,讀玩章?不要知道你有朝代的部長多少夜晚商議重要的事件,燃燒?不要知道多少夜晚,你在國家的物質,世界人類的物質中煩惱, 做那在夜晚以來沒有睡眠?   
 來自過度操勞的疲倦你是如此的, 是去老年也在跳躍上花費。你的膝降那子孫如此的多數, 儅再一次一起享受全部家庭感激月或家庭團聚的快樂郊遊?   
 你做如此許多生意宏偉, 到達老年, 你是不像康熙類似自己呼叫 " 歷史性的帝 ", 也不像 Qianlong 呼叫那自己 " 完美的老男人 ".你對民衆寫《基架犯罪》的個人詔而且顯示,假定承認自己的過失, 這 " 犯罪 F" 是歷史的第一時間, 有誰能說你不明智的?   
 你的整個生活,你的每件事物,是不可能的竝且使用短和短和一些千字而且能肯定地說純粹人。也許我說一些偏好喚醒, 但是沒有誰能使用那一個的標準評估任何人。任何地詳細地說明, 全部遇見或許多或增加愛顔色注意那自己小地。   
 俱曏矣去 ,計算浪漫的人,仍然今天見到。 




