高一記敘文作文:My High School Life

高一記敘文作文:My High School Life,第1張

Dear Tom : 小荷作文網 www.zww.cn
   I am writing to tell you something about my high school life 。 The new learning environment and the new learning methods left a deep impression on me 。 
   I am very satisfied with the new learning  environment , it can cheer me up 。 The teachers' teaching standard is very high , and the classroom is lively and vivid 。 Can enter the elite class , I was lucky , but only a lot of pressure 。 I know a number of teachers and students , we get along very well with each other 。 What is more , I have learned a lot form them 。 I find that the learning methods at the high school are different from the ones at middle school , and I think the lessons in high school are harder than middle school 。 It can improve students' ability in all aspects 。 
   I am looking forward to hearing from you soon 。                                                        
                           Yours , 
                           Li Lei 

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