高一記敘文作文:How Do You Make Friends

高一記敘文作文:How Do You Make Friends,第1張

Dear Xiao Dong , 小荷作文網 www.zww.cn
    I am sorry you are having trouble in making friends 。 However , the situation is easy to change if you take my advice 。 Here are some tips to help you 。 
    First , why not always smile to others on your own ? I agree that this is difficult but that person may smile to you , too 。 If you do this , your classmates would think you are friendly , and you can show them you are a good person to make friends 。 I am sure you will have a new friend soon 。 
    Secondly , you should often do something with your classmates together , like studying , playing ,and chating 。 In that way , you will become more outgoing , not be shy 。 I think that is a good way to find friends 。 
    Thirdly , it would be a good idea if you join in some clubs and take part in some school activities 。 You may not feel that this is right , but by doing this ,you would not feel lonely any longer 。 It certainly provides you with friendship 。 I hope you will find these ideas useful 。 
   Best wishes ! 
                          Miss Wang 

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