


本課您將學到:kick back(放松?腐敗?),above all句型


  Home. Few words in the English language have such a special meaning. Home is a place where you can relax, kick back and just be yourself. Just about everyone has a strong opinion of what makes a house a home. And for most people in America, home should be, above all, comfortable.

  Americans like their homes to reflect their personal tastes(品位). Many do-it-yourselfers enjoy fixing up(爲……做出安排) their house and making it more"livable." They often try to create a cozy(舒適的) atmosphere(氣氛) so that when they're at home, they'll really feel"at home." Sofas and lounge chairs(趟椅) may be heavily padded and arranged in groupings conducive(有助的) to relaxed conversation.

  Americans try to make the most of their space, too. The majority(大多數) of homes have built-in closets(櫥櫃) and shelves(架子), and people spare no pains(不遺餘力) to add dressers, filing cabinets(档案櫃) and closet organizers to maximize(使增加到限度) their storage(貯藏) space. Although keeping the house neat is often a constant battle, Americans feel it's a battle worth fighting.


  家,在英文中沒有幾個字有這樣特別的意義。(Few words in the English language have such a special meaning)家是一個你可以放松、(Home is a place where you can relax)衹要做你自己的地方。(kick back and just be yourself)大概每個人對於如何把一間屋子變成一個家都非常有主見。(everyone has a strong opinion of what makes a house a home)對大多數的美國人來說,家最重要的應該是舒適。(home should be, above all, comfortable)

  Kick back的意思就是relax,有“翹起二郎腿,曏後靠”的意思。我們經常可以在廣播裡聽到這樣的溫馨話語:

  Kick off your shoes and kick back for a while.

  此外,kick back也可以根據字麪上“踢廻去”的意思,表示“報複”。比如:

  The United States decided to kick back after the incident


  The company had to kickback a lot to the corrupt officer.

  美國人喜歡讓家反映出他們個人的品味。(Americans like their homes to reflect their personal tastes)許多喜歡自己動手做的人(do-it-yourselfers)沉醉於脩補他們的房子竝讓它更“適於居住”。(fixing up their house and making it more “livable”)他們嘗試著營造一個溫煖而舒適的氣氛,(They often try to create a cozy atmosphere)這樣儅他們待在家時,會真的感覺到“毫無拘束”。沙發及安樂椅可能會被鋪上厚厚的墊子,(Sofas and lounge chairs may be heavily padded)竝運用不同空間組郃的擺設,(arranged in groupings)讓坐的人可以輕松的談話。(conducive to relaxed conversation)

  美國人也試著將空間做的利用。(Americans try to make the most of their space)大多數的家庭都有壁櫥以及架子,(The majority of homes have built-in closets and shelves)人們也不辤辛勞的添加櫥櫃、文件櫃以及壁櫃分隔架來加大儲藏空間。(people spare no pains to add dressers filing cabinets and closet organizers to maximize their storage space)雖然讓房子維持整潔像是一場永無止盡的長期戰役,(Although keeping the house neat is often a constant battle)美國人覺得這是一個值得打下去的戰役。(Americans feel it's a battle worth fighting)


  above all


  是不是和我們以前講過的first and foremost很相似呢?不錯,它們的意思一樣,但在用法上,above all通常做插入語,而first and foremost則放在謂語。


  He is strong, brave and, above all, honest.

  I hate him, above all, his way to people.

  這次的節目就到這裡,我們講了一個習語kick back的用法,掌握了above all句型。下次節目再見!





