Try to Make Teachers Smile

Try to Make Teachers Smile,第1張

Try to Make Teachers Smile,第2張

Someone says that he wishes to see his teachers smile, and doesn't want to see the cold, even freezing faces of teachers.This is a good will. But teachers seldom smile, especially in class. Do you know why?

  Teachers are in fact very kind persons. They teach us every day from morning to evening. Their work is very laborious and hard (1)。 So (2 ) we can learn lots of knowledge from them. But some students don't do their best in their studies. They don't like any subjects such as [whether] (3) history, geography, English or maths. As a result, teachers feel sad and don't often smile.

  The others [Some other students] (4)perhaps don't listen to the teachers carefully in class. Sometimes they are talking, making faces, looking outside and doing some other things not related to study in class. They don't work hard, and often make teachers get (5) angry. Can teachers smile in these cases? Of coursenot .

  In my opinion, if you want to make teachers smile, you must do the following things. The first and most important thing is that you must put your heart and mind in your study. It also means that you should listen to the teachers carefully in class. Try your best to grasp what teachers teach [say] (6) . After class, you must go over what you have learned, and finish your homework in time. If you have any difficulty, you should ask your classmates or teachers until you understand it completely. I think if you do so, you can study very well. And of course, the teachers will then often smile.

  Do you think so? Try to do that often, please!

  江西省甯岡中學 鍾鳴薈

  評 語


  (1)laborious 和 hard詞義重複,可刪去一個。其實要使行文有力,不如用行爲動詞: They work very hard.


  (3)not…any 已表示否定一切,用 whether…or呼應較好。

  (4)the others表示賸下的所有其他學生,這裡根據上下文,似乎批評麪過大了,故改之。

  (5) make的賓語補足語可用形容詞表示,可省去 get.



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