Coming Back to the Earth,第1張

Coming Back to the Earth,第2張

A piece of diary in the future

銆€銆€Tues.錛?Jul. 1錛?2019


銆€銆€Today was [is]錛?錛塼he twenty鈥斺€攆irst of July錛?2019. It is the fiftieth anniversary of landing the moon [the landing on the moon]錛?錛夈€?It is five years since I moved away to the Bilin Star because of my work. I really miss the earth and my hometown. In that case[So]錛?錛夛紝 I am taking several days off to go back to the earth. After a whole day's flight in my spaceship錛?I can see the earth clearly. To my surprise錛?the earth doesn't look as blue and bright as before. I land on the moon錛?my first stop before going back to the earth錛?to visit my sister [who has been] 錛?錛?living there for several years. Wow錛?How prosperous 錛堢箒鍗庣殑錛?the moon now is錛?And there are many more people. It is understood that it is because the population of the earth has been increasing so fast that more and more people want to move away to other planets where they can live better. Of course錛?the moon錛?which is the nearest celestial body 錛堝ぉ浣擄級 錛?has naturally become their first choice. I am wondering what on earth has happened [what has happened on the earth] 錛?錛夈€?So I fly to the earth at once.

銆€銆€Very soon錛?I am coming near the earth. 鈥淲arning錛?Warning錛?Please enter 錛堣緭鍏ワ級 the detailed destination 錛堢洰鐨勫湴錛?錛佲€?the system of my spaceship is prompting 錛堟彁閱掞級 me. I enter錛?eastlongitude 錛堜笢緇忥級 114擄錛?north-latitude 錛堝寳綰級 23擄錛?Shenzhen Airport. 鈥淥K錛?Please put on the safety-strap. We'll land in five minutes.鈥?/p>

銆€銆€Five minutes have passed. I am back to the earth錛?I can't wait to see what it looks like. Before opening the door. Warning 錛?Warning 錛?Gases analysis 錛堝垎鏋愶級錛欳O2 30% 錛?N2 50% 錛?SO2 18 %錛?O2 less than 2% . 鈥淚t's unfit for human beings錛?Please put on the space-dress錛佲€?comes the voice from the system. What is the matter錛?Put on the space-dress錛?錛?Is there anything wrong with the system錛?It is in the hometown of humans that I am now錛?I inquire again. But I get the same result. I have no choice but to put on the dress.

銆€銆€I step out of the spaceship. What appears in front of me is a desert 錛堣崚鍦幫級 stretching 錛堝歡浼革級 as far as the eyes can see. Thetemperature is 50 degrees centigrade high. I can see nobody. I stand there dumbfounded 錛堟儕鍛嗕簡錛夈€?I can't believe my own eyes at all. So I have a conversation with the system through the wireless 錛堟棤綰跨數鐨勶級 phone錛?/p>

銆€銆€鈥淭CP錛屸€?I say out the code 錛堝瘑鐮侊級銆?/p>

銆€銆€鈥淐an I help you錛熲€?replies the system.

銆€銆€鈥淵es. Is that Shenzhen City錛熲€?/p>

銆€銆€鈥淎ccording to the information錛?two years ago it was exactly called Shenzhen City. But it has been changed into Shenzhen Desert. 鈥?/p>

銆€銆€鈥淒o you know what has happened錛熲€?/p>

銆€銆€鈥淛ust a minute錛?I'll ask the Information Service Department of the Earth. 鈥?/p>

銆€銆€錛圓fter a while. 錛?/p>

銆€銆€鈥淚n the past many years錛?the population of the earth increased rapidly. And this made [forced]錛?錛?the modern agriculture and industry develop [to expand] 錛?錛?very quickly. With the development of them [As a result]錛?錛夛紝 more and more poisonous 錛堟湁姣掔殑錛?waste was produced. These poison was [poisons were]錛?錛?sent into the air錛?the soil and the water without being cleaned. In addition錛?oil was burnt in cars錛?buses錛?trucks and many other machines錛?and they produced waste gases錛?too. On the other hand錛?wars between countries and races broke out continuously. Nuclear tests were done now and then.

銆€銆€Altogether錛?the earth has been polluted錛?and the balance of nature has been changed. Therefore錛?the animals and plants died out one by one. The situation is becoming more and more serious. Many cities錛?including Shenzhen City錛?have been coveredby the spreading desert.

銆€銆€I am so disappointed that such a beautiful planet has been turned into one like this by human beings. I can't endure錛堝繊鍙楋級this sight any more. Consequently錛堢粨鏋滐級[Suddenly]錛?0錛塈 find some eggs of birds and some seeds nearby. I take them carefully into my spaceship and hatch錛堝錛塼hem with a hatching-machine. And I will keep these precious lives to Bilin Star as souvenirs錛堢邯蹇靛搧錛夈€?/p>


銆€銆€騫誇笢鐪佹繁鍦沖競澶栧浗璿鏍? Chase

銆€銆€璿? 璿?/p>



銆€銆€錛?錛?land 琛ㄧず鈥滈檷钀解€濇椂錛屾槸涓嶅強鐗╁姩璿嶃€?/p>

銆€銆€錛?錛夋牴鎹?Longman 璿嶅吀錛宨n that case 鎰忎負 if that is so錛?if that happens鐢ㄤ簬姝や笉濡ャ€?/p>

銆€銆€錛?錛夊悗闈㈡湁琛ㄧず涓€孌墊椂闂寸殑鏃墮棿鐘惰 for several years錛?鍥犳錛岃繕鏄敤鐜板湪瀹屾垚榪涜鏃剁殑瀹氳浠庡彞涓哄ソ銆?/p>

銆€銆€錛?錛?on earth 榪欎釜鐭鏀懼湪wh-鐤戦棶璿嶅悗錛屽姞寮洪棶鍙ョ殑鍙f皵錛屽錛歐hat on earth are you doing錛熻€岃繖閲屾牴鎹笂涓嬫枃錛屼綔鑰呬技涔庝笉鏄繖涓剰鎬濓紝鏁呮敼涔嬨€?/p>

銆€銆€錛?錛夈€侊紙7錛夈€侊紙8錛?develop 琛ㄧず鍙戝睍錛岀粰浜轟互瑜掍箟鐨勬劅瑙夛紝鑰岃繖閲屾牴鎹笂涓嬫枃錛屼漢綾繪槸琚揩鑰屼負涔嬶紝鏁呮敼鐢ㄤ簡鍑犱釜璿嶃€備粠楂樿姹傚嚭鍙戯紝鍦ㄤ綔鏂囨椂錛岃娉ㄦ剰鐢ㄨ瘝鍦ㄨ璐€佸己寮辯瓑鏂歸潰鐨勮壊褰┿€?/p>


銆€銆€錛?0錛夎繖閲宑onsequently璿嶄箟鐢ㄩ敊浜嗭紝涓嶅鏀圭敤 suddenly 璿繪潵鏁堟灉鏇村ソ銆?br>


生活常識_百科知識_各類知識大全»Coming Back to the Earth



