範文:Choosing My Major,第1張

範文:Choosing My Major,第2張




  Born in a small village in Shanxi Province, I had never experienced anything exciting before I turned 17. I had spent 6 years in primary school and another six in middle school, where I ranked among the top students. Life was extremely simple during those twelve years. For diversion, I enjoyed reading novels and watching TV programs and films. In my imagination I traveled to all those places described in the books or shown on the screen. Once I put my imaginary travels on paper and won a prize in a country wide composition contest. So encouraged, I declared my intention of studying journalism at Ren Min University in Beijing. Everybody in my family opposed my decision, saying that I was too young to be on my own. Although I felt a bit intimidated by Ren Min University's reputation, I finally applied for this famous university.




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