範文:The News Media,第1張

範文:The News Media,第2張





  The news media consists of radio, television, newspapers and the Internet.

  Newspapers are the oldest form of communicating the news. Today  many people still begin their day by reading the morning newspaper while having breakfast.

  Newspapers continue to influence how we view events around us.

  The invention of the radio had a tremendous influence on the world. It is able to bring up-to-minute news to distant places in a matter of seconds. The development of the radio has made the world a smaller place.

  Television is a recently developed means of communication. Being able to see visual images has greatly influenced humanity's perceptions of world events. Each day television changes our perceptions of life.

  The Internet is now booming. In the goverment, in school or in business, people enjoy it. Soon, the Internet will be found in every home, too. We can obtain information from it, shop through it, communicate with it……The  Internet helps make things simpler and easier for us.




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