Mother,Let Me Help You,第1張

Mother,Let Me Help You,第2張

The factory in which my mother used to work was shut down one year ago. A lot of workers had to leave their work, including my mother. Several months had passed but most of the unemployed workers still didn't get jobs again[get new jobs] (1)although the local government tried its best. So Mother decided to find a job by herself. After making a great effort, she got a job as a cleaner[street cleaner] (2), in charge of a street [responsible for keeping clean a part of street] (3)about 200 metres long. Although the pay was low, the work conditions were bad, Mother said she was glad to do this work. But I thought people would look down upon us.

  Today I am free at home. In the morning, Mother asked me if I could help her with the cleaning work in the street. At first I wanted to say:“I'm afraid I can't for[because](4)I have some homework to do today,”as I was afraid of being recognized(認出)by my classmates, but when I saw the white hairs on Mother's head, I said instead,“Oh, yes, I'll go with you, Mum.”After breakfast, we went to the street. I pushed a cart (手推車)for collecting rubbish, holding my head down and not daring to see the people walking in the street. I always felt that someone was looking at me, laughing at me…

  “Hello, Li Jing.”Oh, dear. It was Mr Chen, who taught us Chinese.“Mr Chen, I, I…”I didn't know what to say. My face turned red.“Oh, don't be so shy. You are [a](5)hard-working boy. The cleaners [street cleaners](6) are important and honorable. We should thank you and your mother. The other[Your](7)classmates should learn from you. Good boy, don't look down upon yourself, hold your head high. Bye!”

  Then I realized that I was honorable as a son of a street cleaner. I should held my head high. After finishing the hard work and then looking at the tidy(乾淨的)street, I felt that Mother and I were the most honorable people in the world. Mother, I'll help you whenever I am free.

  安徽省阜陽市穎東區城郊中學高二(2)班 李靖

  評 語


  (1)原句again與still呼應似乎不如用new job來得好。

  (2)、(6)光說cleaner一般表示打掃辦公室、建築物等処的清潔工。馬路清潔工用street cleaner爲好。順便說一下,dustman一般不指掃馬路的清潔工,而是挨家挨戶收集垃圾的。

  (3)原句in change of用得不妥。



  (7)原文是相對“我”而言,再用the other classmates,讀起來好像“我”也是一個classmate了,故改之。


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