Is Money Everything?,第1張

Is Money Everything?,第2張

At present some people in our country think that money is everything. They say that you can do everything if you have money. You can live in a beautiful house, keep a luxurious (豪華的) car and have all sorts of delicious (可口的) food.

  I don't think so. Indeed, money can buy a lot of things we need. But there are many, many wonderful things in the world [that] (1) cannot be bought with money.

  For example, knowledge cannot be bought with money. One cannot be rich in knowledge unless he studies hard. Friendship cannot be bought, either. There's a famous saying “A friend in need is a friend indeed”。 A story is told about a man. When he was rich , many people wanted to be his friends . When he became poor, all of his friends left him . [, whom many people wanted to make friends with when he was rich, but all of them left him when he became poor. ] (2 ) So you see, money cannot buy real friendship.

  Money can buy a gold watch, but who can buy even a second of time with money? One cannot turn the wheel of time backwards. Time must be seized. Who keeps a more active life, who gets more time . [ He who keeps a more active life gets more time. ] (3)

  There are still many other things [that] (4)cannot be boughtwith money: health, life, happiness,love and so on.Just think,if a person hasn't these things at all,is his money still useful?

  Now, do you still(5) think money is everything?

  上海市虹口中學 豐康妮

  評 語


  (1)、(4)句子謂語是 There are,“cannot be bought…”是“There be”句型主語 many wonderful/other things 的定語從句的謂語,故要加上關系代詞 that.

  (2)這裡把後麪句子改爲脩飾前麪句子 A story is told about a man中a man的定語從句,否則,a man會被誤解爲“任何一個人”。




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