




  紐約城市旅客社(The New York City Visitor's Bureau)說, 50年前首先把紐約叫成“大蘋果”的是爵士樂手和其他文娛表縯人員。那時,他們每天轉場到一個城鎮。他們把每一個城鎮稱做樹上的一顆蘋果。一個縯員不能在紐約獲得成功,就不能看做是成功縯員。這樣,他們就把紐約叫做“大蘋果”了。


  Why New York Is Called the Big Apple


  The New York City Visitor's Bureau says jazz musicians①and other entertainers② first called New York the Big Apple fifty years ago.

  At that time jazz musicians earned money by performing in many cities and towns across the United States. They usually played their music in a different town each night. But the performers would like to play in New York City best of all. New York was the place with the best-paid jobs, the most money to earn, and a greater number of people for jazz music. A performer was not considered successful until he was successful in New York. The early jazz musicians described each town and city in America as an apple on a tree. Naturally they called New York City the Big Apple. Later a night club was named The Big Apple, and a popular dance was also called The Big Apple. But no one except jazz musicians and some entertainers used this term to describe New York City.

  About fifteen years ago, the city officials wanted to get more people to visit New York. They needed a new symbol for their city. They remembered the stories of the jazz musicians and began using the Big Apple in their advertisements. The idea worked.

  Today so many persons from different parts of the world come and visit New York City every day. They may probably know New York's nickname③, though they may not know why the city is called the Big Apple.


  ①jazz musician[dN$z mj(:)'ziM n] 爵士音樂樂師

  ②entertainer [?ent 'tein ] n.表縯者

  ③nickname['nikneim] n.綽號


  本文是說明紐約市的綽號 “大蘋果”的來歷的。但是,從形式上看作者廻答的是“爲什麽”的問題。如果我們把“大蘋果”看做結果的話,給紐約起這個渾名的過程就是其原因。而原因衹有一種,那就是爵士樂手和其他娛樂形式的表縯者對紐約的描述。所以,我們把這篇文章說成是分析一因一果的說明文。





