Some of My Classmates,第1張

Some of My Classmates,第2張

In my class I have both Chinese and American friends. Let me introduce you to someofthem.

  Tim is tall and slim with a friendly smile on his lovely face. He is very helpful in my study. I learn a lot of American slang from him. My is also eager to learn Chinese. At lunch time we exchange lessons. I teach him Chinese and he teaches me English. It is fun to hear him say,"乾盃, more 乾盃!" And he has many interesting ideas. Sometimes he speaks first and thinks later. That is why he makes funny mistakes, but he is very popular with the classmates.

  Lorrie is a nice girl with dark hair and bright blue eyes. She is very kind and friendly. Seeing me without my own transportation to school, she offers me her bike. Now I can go to school by bike. She doesn't always talk in Enghsh. But her expressive eyes and helpful actions speak louder than words.

  Zhang Ying is my best Chinese friend. She is pretty and always wears a nice smile. Being quick-witted, she is the beststudent in our class and she excels us in all subjects. However, she is sometimes naughty and once she drew a sketch of our teacher Dr. B. B's head in the shape of an egg with a half circle of hair. which made us burst out laughing.

  I enjoy the company of my classmates. They make my life rich and interesting.








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