


Lesson 96 Never Too Busy 永不太忙


  feat n. 功勣,壯擧

  feeble adj. 微弱的,衰弱的

  feed vt. 喂養,飼養;喫草,靠。。。爲生;n. 飼料,飼養

  feign v. 假裝,偽裝

  feminism n. 女權運動

  feminist n. 女權主義者

  fencing n. 圍牆,柵欄;擊劍術

  ferment vt. 使發酵

  fermentation n. 發酵

  ferret v. 搜索,查獲

  ferry n. 渡口,渡船

  fertile adj. 肥沃的,富饒的;能繁殖的;主意多的,有創造力的

  fertilize vt. 施肥,使豐饒;使受精

  fertilized egg 受精卵

  fertilizer n. 肥料(尤指化學肥料)

  fervent adj. 熱情的,強烈的,熱烈的

  fervor n. 熱情,熱烈

  fester v. 潰爛,化膿

  festive adj. 歡宴的,歡慶的;節日的,歡樂的

  fetter vt. 帶腳鐐,束縛

  feud n. 世仇

  feudal adj. 封建制度的

  “It would be a major feat if I can make it through today,” Ruth said. “I have to wake up early to feed my dog. He’s been looking

  feeble, but I think he’s just feigning for attention. Then I have to submit my report on feminism. I have to ferret out my original research. I’m not a feminist, so it has been very difficult for me to write about it. At 8:00 a.m., I have fencing class. Then I have wine making class. We’re learning about the fermentation process. I think we’ll be fermenting red grapes.”

  “Don’t you have any breaks?” Lydia asked.

  “No,” replied Ruth. “I’ll be riding the ferry across the river to the zoo. I’ll be visiting a pair of panda bears. The female has reached a fertile age. The zoo is hoping that the male will fertilize her. After that, I’ll be viewing the fertilized egg of an ostrich.”

  “What’s next?” Lydia asked.

  “I need to spread fertilizer on the grass in the front yard,” Ruth replied, “Then I need to check the wound on my dog’s paw. I’m afraid it might fester if I don’t get medicine for it.”

  “Do you feel fettered by your dog?” asked Lydia.

  “No, I am a fervent animal lover,” replied Ruth. “Any of my dog’s sad eyes always stirs the fervor in my heart.”

  “What will you be doing in the afternoon?” Lydia asked.

  “I have to finish my report on the feudal warlords of the 19th century,” Ruth said. “What is a feud, anyway?”

  “It’s what you and I are going to have if you don’t save some time for me,” replied Lydia. “It’s my birthday and I’m feeling a bit sad.”

  “How about a festive drink at 8:00 p.m.?” Ruth asked.





