


A: Mary, this is Stone's brother Jim.
B: I'm very glad/pleased to meet you.
C: It's a pleasure to meet you. /The pleasure is mine.
B: How do you like China so far? /What's your impression of China? /What do you think of China?
C: Its really different from what I expected.
B: Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time.
1. May I have your name, please?
2. I think I've seen you before. You look very familiar.
3. Say, don't I know you from somewhere?
4. I must have seen you somewhere before.
5. Haven't we met before?
6. We have talked of you often.
7. I didn't quite catch your name. /I'm sorry. I didn't get your name.
8. A: How do I address you?
B: Please call me Mary. That's my first name.
9. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
10. Where are you working now?
11. I've been looking forward to meeting you.
12. I've heard a great deal about you.
13. Is this your first trip to China? /Have you ever been to Guangzhou?
14. What impressed you the most about Shanghai?
15. May I ask where you are from?
16. I hope you're enjoying your stay here.
17. It always takes time to get used to a new place.
18. Sorry, I couldn't help overhearing - did you mention something about…(對不起,我無意中聽見你們的談話,你是不是提到…)
10. Uh, are you going to be busy this evening?
11. Um, I was thinking of going to a movie tonight. Would you like to come?
12. Are you doing anything tonight? I was wondering if you'd like to go to a movie with me.
13. I'm going to play with a group of friends. Would you like to join us?
14. That'd be very nice. /I'd love to. /That's a great idea.
15. Sorry, I'm afraid I'm busy tonight. /Tonight's a problem. What about tomorrow night? /Sorry, I've got people coming over tonight. (今晚有客人來。)


A: I really must be going now.
B: But you just got here. Can't you stay a little longer?
A: That's very nice of you, but I really can't.
B Well, it's too bad (遺憾) that you have to go.
A: Thanks very much. It was a great /lovely party!
B: It was our pleasure.
1. We really enjoyed your company. (我們喜歡與你爲伴。)
2. Well, then, perhaps we can get together another time.
3. Please give my best regards to your sister.
4. I'll be seeing you!
5. A: Take care of yourself. /Have a good trip. /Enjoy yourself. /Have fun! /Take it easy!
6. I shall miss all of you. Let's get together soon.
7. I hope I can see you again. /Let's meet more often.
8. Well, (I'm afraid) I'd better be on my way /leaving.
9. I'm sorry, but I've got to be on my way.
10. I'm afraid I stayed too long.
11. I think it's about time we got going.
12. I really have to rush. (我真的得趕快。)
13. I enjoyed myself very much.
14. I'm glad to have met you.
15. I really enjoyed the meal.
16. I really had a pleasant /enjoyable /great evening.
17. I had lots of fun tonight. /That was a wonderful dinner. /I had a wonderful / great time being with you.
18. I enjoyed every minute of the party.
19. Thank you very much for a wonderful party.
20. I hope some day maybe you'll be able to visit my family in Beijing.
21. I really enjoyed talking with you.
22. Please don't be in such a hurry.
23. Would you like to stay for dinner.
24. Did you have a good time today?
25. You'll have to come and see us soon.
26. A: Thank you for inviting me.
B: It was a pleasure having you. Please come again.
27. A: Thanks for all your hospitality. B: You're welcome.
28. A: Have a nice weekend. B: Same to you.
29. A: Thank you for everything.
B: Well, have a nice trip and best wishes to your wife.
A: Thanks. I hope we meet again soon.
30. A: If you're ever in Xi'an, look me up. I'd love to see you again.
B: Sure. I will. You can count on that.
48. The times have been very bad. (時機一直很壞。)
49. We are in the red. (我們有虧損/赤字。)
50. The company went broke. (這家公司破産了。)
51. I visited Japan on an observation tour of its industries. (我到日本觀摩它的工業。)
52. I have to feed a family of five〖養活五口之家〗.
53. I've got to keep my nose to the grindstone〖拼命工作;不停地孜孜不倦地工作〗to support my family.
54. Two of trades seldom agree. (同行是冤家。)
55. There is no hope of success.
56. There was no way he could solve the problem.
57. He is in trouble all the time. (他縂是有麻煩。)
58. He's gone out of business. (他失業了。)
59. He makes a good living. (他過得很優裕。)
60. The game is not worth the candle. (這事不值得做。)
61. He has money to burn. (他錢多得象水一樣。)
62. His yearly salary is in seven digits〖年薪七位數〗.
63. He is as poor as a church mouse〖一貧如洗〗.
64. They live from hand to mouth〖衹能糊口的生活〗.
65. Let's get the ball rolling. (讓我們開始吧。)
66. Right now my hands are full /tied〖忙得不可開交〗.
67. Nice to have you with us. I'm happy to work with you. I hope you will like it here.
68. I've got a lot of work /a million things to do.
69. I'm behind in my work. (我的工作進度落後。)
70. He is working like a horse. (他努力工作。)
71. I'm so busy that I don't get around to it. (我忙得找不出時間去做它。)
72. I must meet the deadline. (我必須趕得上最後期限。)
73. Do I have to get it done by noon〖午前做完〗?
74. I want to get my work finished by tomorrow.
75. He is in conference〖開會〗right now.
76. I'll get through〖做完〗this work by noon.
77. This situation permits of no delay〖不許拖延〗.
78. What makes you work so hard? (爲什麽你這樣賣命?)
79. It's shaping up. (進展順利。)





