


首要條款 Paramount clause
  精練油 Clean (petroleum ) products

  清潔貨艙 Clean the holds (to)

  截至日 Closing date

  封航 Closure of navigation

  折曡式板架集裝箱 Collapsible flattrack

  全拆裝 Completely knocked down (CKD)

  強制引航 Compulsory pilotage

  公會 Conference

  擁擠 Congestion

  擁擠費 Congestion surcharge

  集裝箱/滾裝兩用船 Con-ro ship

  連續航程 Consecutive voyages

  托運 Consign

  收貨人 Consignee

  發貨人 Consignor

  托運;托運的貨物 Consignment

  拼箱 Consolidation (groupage)

  聯營 Consortium

  常數 Constants

  集裝箱駁船 Container barge

  集裝箱租賃 Container leasing

  集裝箱化 Containerization

  已裝箱的,已集裝箱化的 Containerised

  集裝箱船 Containership

  貨物汙染 Contamination (of cargo )

  分攤價值 Contributory value

  傳送帶 Conveyor belt

  集裝箱(角件) Corner casting (fitting)

  集裝箱(角柱) Corner post

  起重機 Crane

  履帶式(軌道式)起重機 Crawler mounted crane

  港口慣例 Custom of the port (COP)

  慣常協助 Customary assistance

  日常營運成本 Daily running cost

  虧艙費 Deadfreight

  重量貨 Deadweight (weight) cargo

  載貨量 Deadweight cargo (carrying)capacity

  載重圖表 Deaiweight scale

  甲板貨 Deck cargo

  交貨(交船) Delivery of cargo (a ship)

  速遣費 Despatch or Despatch money

  卸集裝箱 Destuff

  挪威船級社 Det Norske Veritas (D.N.V.)

  繞航 Deviation

  (車船)直卸 Direct discharge

  直接轉船 Direct transshipment

  原油 Dirty(Black) (petroleum) products ( D.P.P.)

  港口開支 Disbursements

  卸貨港 Discharging port

  二船東 Disponent owner

  船隖 Dock

  碼頭工人 Docker

  門到門運輸 Door to door

  (設備)故障時間 Downtime

  喫水;水深 Draft (draught)

  喫水限制 Draft limitation

  引航員下船時 Dropping outward pilot (D.O.P.)

  乾貨 Dry cargo

  乾貨集裝箱 Dry cargo(freight) container

  乾船隖 Dry dock

  速遣費爲滯期費的一半 Demurrage half despatch (D1/2D)

  二級水手 Efficient deck hand (E.D.H.)

  卸貨機 Elevator

  申請船舶進港(出港) Enter a ship inwards (outwards)

  保稅貨 Entrepot

  設備(常指集裝箱) Equipment

  設備使用費 Equipment handover charge

  預計到達時間 Estimated time of arrival ( ETA)

  預計完成時間 Estimated time of completion (ETC)

  預計離港時間 Estimated time of departure (ETD)

  預計準備就緒時間 Estimated time of readiness (ETR)

  預計航行時間 Estimated time of sailing (ETS)

  歐式托磐 Europallet

  即使使用 Even if used (E.I.U.)

  除外期間 Excepted period

  異議 Exception

  免責條款 Exceptions clause

  溢卸 Excess landing

  裝卸欺瞞 Expiry of laytime

  延長訴訟時間 Extend suit time

  延長租期 Extend a charter

  租期延長 Extension of a charter

  訴訟時間延長 Extension to suit time

  寬度 Extreme breadth

  航道 Fairway

  支線運輸服務 Feeder service

  支線船 Feeder ship

  渡輪 Ferry

  一級船 First class ship

  方便旗船 Flag of convenience (FOC)

  浮吊 Floating crane

  浮隖 Floating dock

  不可抗力 Force majeure

  鏟車 Fork-lift truck

  四十英尺集裝箱換算單位 Forty foot equivalent unit (FEU)

  四邊開槽托磐 Four-way pallet

  千 Freeboard

  包乾運費 Freight all kinds (FAK)

  攬貨員 Freight canvasser

  運費到付 Freight collect (freight payable at destination)

  運費預付 Freight prepaid





