My View on Opportunity,第1張

My View on Opportunity,第2張

Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic MyView on Opportunity. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below.


  My View on Opportunity

  A common concept among some people is that opportunities are few. They always complain that opportunities never occur to them. They only admire those people who make a hit or succeed by seizing some opportunities, and always wonder why they are never given a good opportunity to show their talent.

  Another common notion is that there are opportunities everywhere. Opportunity may occur to anybody at any time and under any circumstances as long as he/she keeps making constant efforts. As a student, you can get to the top through your hard work. As a businessman, you can succeed through accurate calculation and with a complete certainty that you can make a profit.

  Inmy opinion, opportunity favors only those who keep trying and who are ready for it. As the saying goes"God helps those who help themselves", So no matter whether there's opportunity or not, what we should do is to study, to learn and become learned people, Only in this way can you seize your opportunity when it occurs. So never say there's no opportunity again.


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