Sons and Daughters of Shanghai

Sons and Daughters of Shanghai,第1張

Sons and Daughters of Shanghai,第2張

Shanghai born and Shanghai bred, I take great pride in being a Shanghailander. Shanghai, the biggest city in China and also one of the largest cities in the world, has been existing for seven hundred years. Compared with the history of China, it is a rather new city. But since it was set up, it has contributed a lot to China, especially in this century. [Compared with the history of China, the history of Shanghai is still a short one; but its contributions to the country has been enormous (巨大的), especially in this century.] (1)

  During the Northern Expedition (北伐), in order to fight together with the Northern Expedition Army, the workers in Shanghai rose up in arms three times against the KMT reactionary rules [rule] (2)。 The pavements along Nanjing Road, the Bund (外灘)were once stained with the blood of those heralds [revolutionary pioneers] (3)。

  May 1949 saw the liberation of Shanghai. Since then, the great city has taken on a new look. Now factories and enterprises have sprung up like mushrooms (雨後春筍般出現)。 People in Shanghai have been going all out in socialist construction. Their footprints have been left throughout the country: in the hot desert of Xinjiang, in the deep forests of Heilongjiang, on the sheer mountains of Tibet, along the sandy seaside of Hainan.

  The famous geologist Pen Jiamu sacrificed (犧牲) himself in Xinjiang while doing scientific research. The well-known welding expert, Zen Le, has been working hard for about thirty years in order to develop the technique of welding. He resisted the temptation (誘惑) of high pay from some foreign companies, and has remained in his motherland to work for the growth of Shanghai and the rising of China.

  Among the athletes who have won prizes in international matches [competitions] (4), quite a few are from Shanghai, such as the famous jumper Zhu Jianhua, the famous swimmers Zhuang Yong and Yang Wenyi.

  But nowadays, people in Shanghai are faced with a severe challenge (挑戰) from both inside and outside the country——the national leading position is being shaken. Faced with the challenge, the Municipal Government of Shanghai has decided to make Shanghai more prosperous by developing its Pudong area. Shanghai people are filled with zeal (熱忱) for the great project. In less than ten years, Pudong area will be developed beyond recognition. At that time, as graduates from the university, my classmates and I, together with millions of Shanghai people, will be doing our best in the development of Pudong area, turning Shanghai into the vanguard in China's modernization project [so that Shanghai will remain in the vanguard of the modernization of China] (5)。

  上海外語學院附中 李嘉偉

  評 語


  (1)原句較散,且把the history of China與it(上海)相比,脩辤手段不儅,故改之。



  (4)match一般多指集躰性質的球賽,如football match.這裡根據上下文,顯然是泛指躰育比賽,用competition較好。

  (5)根據上下文看,上海應該已經在“前鋒隊伍之列”,因此不存在turn into的含義。另外,vanguard也不是指“單個”,而是“一部分”,一般用於in the vanguard (of) 短語中。


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