The “ Lost ” Money,第1張

The “ Lost ” Money,第2張

What's that?Just as she walked out of the dormitory, she caught sight of something on the ground.

  “Oh, money! ”

  She hurried to [rushed for] (1) the money with her eyes opened wide [wide open] (2) ,and stepped on it. She looked around “God bless me! There is nobody but me.”She picked up the money and put it into her pocket by pretending to tie her shoes. Then she hurried back into the dormitory with her face hot and red.

  Having closed the door, she began to count the money.

  “One yuan, two yuan… Ah, sixty yuan!”Her heart beat very fast.

  She thought, “With it, I can buy a new suit. [”With it, “she thought aloud. ”I can buy a new suit] . “(3) Let those girls who care for dressing envy me. I would look splendid in my new clothes.”

  The whole morning she learned nothing about her lessons.

  In the afternoon she walked [The afternoon saw her walking] (4) into the classroom, dressed in new clothes. She looked like a beautiful actress. Tens of eyes [Dozens of eyes] (5) were fixed upon her. She felt as if she were on the top of the world [on top of the world] (6)。

  A few days passed, but she didn't hear anyone looking for money[hear of anyone looking for the money](7)。 So she looked at herself in the mirror[even more] (8) joyfully.

  One night she began to count her “possessions(財産)”。

  “Oh, my dear! Where is my sixty yuan I have to live on for two months?” [Where is my sixty yuan——the money I have to live on for two moths? ] (9)

  “Oh, the money! My sixty yuan!”

  江西省宜豐縣第二中學 衚染蘭,黃小妮

  評 語


  (1)rushed for比 hurried to更生動。

  (2)習慣用 with one's eyes/mouth wide open.

  (3)後接直接引語,用 think aloud(自言自語),把she thought aloud插在中間,更符郃英語習慣。


  (5)習慣用 dozens of表達“幾十”, tens用在 tens of thousands of詞組中。

  (6)去掉 as if she were,這樣文章更簡潔;on top of the world是固定詞組, top前不加the.

  (7)hear sb. doing sth. 是真的能“聽”到,如 hear him singing, hear her knocking at the door, “聽說某人乾某事”,要說 hear of sb. doing sth. .money前加 the,是特指這 60元錢。

  (8)加 even more 使上下文更連貫。

  (9)作者用 I have to live on for two months 爲限制性定語從句,脩飾 sixty yuan 這不符郃口語習慣,加上the money作同位語較好。


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