


白粥 :Rice Congee
  香菇雞絲粥 :Porridge with Black Mushrooms and Shredded Chicken
  粥 :Assorted Seafood Porridge
  南瓜粥 :Pumpkin Porridge
  皮蛋瘦肉粥 :Minced Pork Congee with Preserved Egg
  生滾海鮮粥 :Seafood Congee
  小米粥 :Millet Congee
  牛肉粥 :Minced Beef Congee
  地瓜粥 :Congee with Sweet Potato Congee
  小米金瓜粥 :Millet Congee with Pumpkin
  綠豆粥 :Congee with Mung Bean Congee
  臘八粥 :Porridge with Nuts and Dried Fruits (Eaten on the Eighth Day of the Twelfth Lunar Month)
  叉燒酥 :BarbecuedBBQ Pork Pastry
  咖哩牛肉酥盒 :Curry Beef Puff
  榴蓮酥 :Crispy Durian Cake
  蜜汁叉燒酥 :Honey BBQ Pork Puff
  蘑菇雞肉酥盒 :Chicken Fricassee Vol-au-vent
  南瓜酥 :Pumpkin Puff
  松子叉燒酥 :BBQ Pork Pastry with Pine Nuts
  香酥韭菜盒 :Crispy Shrimp Dumplings with Leek
  芝麻叉燒酥 :Roast BBQ Pork Pastry with Sesame
  蓮蓉酥 :Lotus Seed Puff Pastry
  水果酥 :Fresh Fruit Puff Pastry
  蛋黃酥 :Egg-Yolk Puff
  蛋黃蓮茸酥 :Pastry Puff with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk
  蛋撻 :Egg Tart
  小鴨酥 :Duckling-Shaped Crispy Puff
  鴨油蘿蔔絲酥 :Pan-Fried Turnip Cake with Duck Oil
  北京雞湯餛飩 :Wonton in Chicken Soup, Beijing Style
  菜肉大餛飩 :Pork and Vegetable Wonton
  鮮蝦小餛飩 :Shrimp Wonton
  菜肉餛飩 :Pork and Vegetable Wonton
  蝦肉雲吞湯 :Shrimp Wonton Soup
  雞湯雲吞 :Chicken Wonton Soup
  上湯雲吞 :Wonton Soup
  紅油抄手 :Meat Dumplings in Spicy Sauce
  酸菜龍抄手 :Wonton Soup with Preserved Vegetable
  四川龍抄手 :Sichuan Style Wonton, Sichuan Style
  蛋煎韭菜盒 :Deep-Fried Egg-Coated Leek Dumplings
  醪糟湯圓 :Tangyuan (Glutinous Rice Balls) in Fermented Glutinous Rice Soup
  湯圓 :Tangyuan (Glutinous Rice Balls)
  四川湯圓 :Tangyuan,Sichuan Style
  元宵 :Yuanxiao (Glutinous Rice Balls for Lantern Festival)
  炸雲吞 :Deep-Fried Wonton
  鹹點 :Assorted Salty Chinese Pastry
  香腸卷 :Sausage Rolls
  香煎腐皮卷 :Pan-Fried Tofu Skin Rolls Stuffed with Shrimps
  山菌金針肉卷 :Rolls Stuffed with Mushroom and Pork Rolls
  老北京肉卷 :Meat Rolls, Beijing Style
  油煎蛋皮肉卷 :Pan-Fried Egg Rolls
  蒜香炸蝦卷 :Deep-Fried Shrimp Rolls with Garlic
  口蘑煎蛋卷 :Mushroom Omelets
  煎蛋卷 :Omelets
  炸羊肉串 :Deep-Fried Lamb Kebabs
  山竹牛肉球 :Steamed Beef Balls
  牛肉串 :Beef Kebabs
  炸蟹角 :Crab Rangoon
  蝦吐司 :Shrimp Toast
  粽香糯米翅 :Steamed Chicken Wings with Glutinous Rice in Leaves
  錦綉糯米雞 :Steamed Glutinous Rice Stuffed with Chicken
  五香茶葉蛋 :Tea Flavored Boiled Eggs
  醪糟雞蛋 :Poached Egg in Fermented Glutinous Rice Soup
  北京炒肝 :Stewed Liver, Beijing Style
  襍碎 :Lamb Chop Suey
  羊肉泡饃 :Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup
  杏片炸魚條 :Deep-Fried Fish Filet with Almonds
  蒜汁煎灌腸 :Pan-Fried Starch Sausage with Garlic
  火鴨三寶紥 :Steamed Three Delicacies of Duck in Roll
  韭菜果 :Pan-Fried Leek Dumplings
  豆沙粽子 :Zongzi Stuffed with Red Bean Paste (Glutinous Rice Wrapped in Bamboo Leaves)
  蜂巢炸芋頭 :Deep-Fried Taro Dumplings
  廣東點心 :Cantonese Dim Sum
  蠔皇鮮竹卷 :Steamed Tofu Skin Rolls with Oyster Sauce
  麻團 :Fried Glutinous Rice Balls with Sesame
  蘑菇牛肉乳蛋派 :Beef and Mushroom Pie
  南瓜團子 :Pumpkin Dumplings
  糯米卷 :Glutinous Rice Rolls
  什果杏仁豆腐 :Tofu with Chilled Almond and Fresh Fruit
  豌豆黃 :Pea Cake
  炸麻球 :Deep-Fried Glutinous Rice Balls with Sesame
  銀絲卷 :Steamed Rolls
  烤銀絲卷 :Baked Steamed Rolls
  油條 :Youtiao(Deep-Fried Dough Sticks)
  蕓豆卷 :French Bean Rolls
  芝麻涼卷 :Sesame Rolls
  疙瘩湯 :Dough Drop and Assorted Vegetable Soup
  扁食湯 :Dumpling Soup
  咖喱角 :Curry Puff
  麻薯 :Deep-Fried Glutinous Rice Cake Stuffed with Bean Paste
  芝麻芋條 :Deep-Fried Taro Sticks with Sesame
  棗泥方圃 :Steamed Small Square Dumplings Stuffed with Jujube Paste
  壽桃 :Birthday Bun with Bean Paste Filling
  精品點心六種 :Refined Assorted Dim Sum (Six Kinds)
  水果醪糟 :Fermented Glutinous Rice Soup with Fresh Fruits
  南瓜酪 :Pumpkin Pastry
  枇杷果 :Loquat-Shaped Cake
  雙皮櫻桃盞 :Cheese and Egg Cake
  火燒 :Baked Wheat Cake
  艾窩窩 :Aiwowo (Steamed Rice Cakes with Sweet Stuffing)
  驢打滾 :Lǘdagunr (Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour)
  香芋棗排 :Taro and Chinese Date Cake
  油炸臭豆腐 :Deep-Fried Fermented Tofu
  蝦片 :Prawn Crackers
  卷果 :Chinese Yam and Date Rolls, Beijing Style
  豆汁兒 :Douzhir (Fermented Bean Drink)
  豆漿 :Soybean Milk
  豆腐腦兒 :Jellied Tofu
  嬭香粟米片片餅 :Golden Corn Pancake
  巧尅力松餅 :Chocolate Muffins
  什錦水果松餅 :Mixed Fruit Muffin
  桂花酒釀圓子 :Glutinous Rice Dumplings in Fermented Rice Wine
  紅豆沙圓子 :Glutinous Rice Balls Stuffed with Red Bean Paste
  紅豆沙圓子羹 :Soup of Glutinous Rice Balls Stuffed with Red Bean Paste
  酒釀圓子 :Boiled Glutinous Rice Balls in Fermented Glutinous Rice
  雪圓子 :Snow Balls
  馬蹄西米花生糊 :Cream Soup of Peanut with Water Chestnuts
  蜜糖龜苓膏 :Guiling Jelly (Chinese Herbal Jelly) Served with Honey
  愛玉冰 :Aiyu Jelly (Vegetarian Gelatin)
  蓮子紅豆沙 :Sweetened Red Bean Paste and Lotus Seeds
  陳皮紅豆沙 :Orange Flavored Red Bean Paste
  蓮子百郃紅豆沙 :Sweetened Red Bean Paste with Lotus Seeds and Lily Bulbs
  杏仁豆腐 :Almond Jelly
  水果磐 :Fresh Fruit Platter
  杏汁蘆薈木瓜 :Papaya with Aloe and Almond Juice
  京味什錦甜食 :Traditional Assorted Sweets, Beijing Style
  果茶山葯 :Chinese Yam and Nectar
  紅果山葯 :Chinese Yam and Hawthorn
  楊枝甘露 :Chilled Mango Sago Cream with Pomelo
  椰絲糯米糍 :Glutinous Rice Balls Stuffed with Coconut and Sugar
  嬭皇糯米糍 :Glutinous Rice Balls Suffed with Cream Custard
  拔絲蘋果 :Apple in Hot Toffee
  拔絲山葯 :Chinese Yam in Hot Toffee
  雪梨燉百郃 :Snow Pear and Lily Bulbs Soup
  冰糖蓮子銀耳羹 :Lotus Seeds and White Fungus Soup
  冰糖銀耳燉雪梨 :Stewed Pear with White Fungus and Rock Candy
  椰汁西米露 :Sweet Sago Cream with Coconut Milk
  冰鎮南瓜茸 :Iced Pumpkin Mash
  冰鎮三果 :Iced Fruits
  冰鎮銀耳 :Iced White Fungus
  冰糖葫蘆 :Bingtanghulu /Crispy Sugar-Coated Fruit (haws, yam, etc.) on a Stick





