


Answer:我們今天開始學習有關動詞的一些其他結搆。其他動詞結搆(1Have got/have

Have got/have


Fang Qing is in London. She lives in a flat. It’s only got one bedroom and it hasn’t got a very big kitchen. The neighbours know that she is from Asia, because she has got yellow skin, black hair and black eyes. She hasn’t any relatives there, but she has got a few good friends. Now she has got a bad cold and she has got a bad headache. Her friend asks her to see a doctor.

I havegot的用途

1Have got have同義。但在非正式英語中,在談到下列情形時通常用have got 而不用 have

財産(Possessions):It’sonlygot one bedroom. It hasn’t got a very big kitchen.

She has got a flat.

親朋好友(Relatives):She has got a few good friends.

疾病(Illnesses):Now she has got a bad cold and shehas got a bad headache.

個人特征(Personal characteristics)Shehas got yellow skin, black hair and black eyes.

2.上述例句中也都可以用have。但是have got要用得普遍得多。  

Shehasa flat. It onlyhasone bedroom.Shehas a few good friends.

3.美國英語中常用have got的肯定形式,但很少用否定和疑問形式。試比較: 

British English :Have you got a car ? Ihaven’t got a car.

American English :Do you have a car ? Idon’t have a car.


Has he got a girl friend ?No, he hasn’t.( No, he hasn’t got.)

5.在一般過去時中既可以用 had/didn’t have 也可以用 had got/hadn’t got,但 had/didn’t have更普遍。

Ihada car a month ago

6.其他時態(現在完成、過去完成、將來時等)和其他形式(不定式)衹能用have(不用have got)

The job I’ve had for the last year.

I used to have a good job.

小練習I:用have got的正確形式填空:

1 _____ Fang Qing____ many friends ?No, ____

2.She ____ a bad cold.



In the hospital, the doctor asked Fang Qing some questions:

D: Do you often have a bath?

F: Yes, I have a bath every day.

D: Do you have a walk sometimes?

F: Yes, I often have a long walk in the country at weekends

D: Do you have some other sports ?

F: Yes.

D: In that case,.. Here, take this medicine three times a day, have plenty of water, and have a good sleep. You’ll feel better after that.

1.用 have (而不是have got)談論行爲或活動。

Ihave a bath every day.

I often have a long walk in the country at weekends

Sometimes I have a swim. Sometimes Ihave a game of badminton with a friend.

You’llhave some medicine for your cold.

Have plenty of water, and have a good sleep.


I’m not having a holiday this year.

We’re havinga drink together afterwards.


Idon’t have a bath every day.

Does he have a holiday every year ?


Ihavea cigarette afterwards(不說I’ve a cigarette)


have breakfast, dinner, a drink, a sandwich,

have a bath, a shower, a wash, a shave, a sauna,

have a rest , a sleep, a dream,

have a holiday, a nice time, a day off,

have a swim, a game, a walk, a ride,

have an argument, a talk, a discussion, a meeting ,

have a go, a try,

have a baby  have a look have a lesson


1.Fang Qin (not have) a shower in the morning. He usually (have) a bath.

2.He(have) his breakfast at the moment.

3.He(have) a holiday in July ? Yes normally, but he (not have) a holiday this year.


1 This morning the road connecting Orlando to the coast was blocked by floodwater.

2 A woman taking her children to school had to abandon her car and walk home.

3 A train carrying 73 passengers fell into the river below when a bridge collapsed.

4A car belonging to the mayor of Orlando was swept into the river.

II. 1 A life-raft found at the scene was empty.

2 A helicopter called from Lossiemouth is still searching the area.

3 Last week another Scottish fishing boat hit by a submarine sank in the same area.

4 There have been three fishing boats hit by a submarines this year.

III. 1 A man with short dark hair attacked Mrs Hyde.

2 Later the police found an empty handbag with blood on it.

3 A boy with a dog was walking past the bank at the time of the attack.




