


本課您將學到:lead to(導致;通曏),satisfy(滿足你的需求),an instant hit句型(立即轟動一時)


  Tetris was first created on a black-and-white Russian computer with no sound or graphics(圖形).

  Four years later Tetris was created, it went on sale in America and Western Europe. It was an instant hit. Tetris was then made for Nintendo's popular Game Boy. These successes led to new, 2D and even 3D versions(版本) of the game. Now, people are still playing it.

  Why has Tetris been so successful? In the game, players must sort out a random(混亂的) pattern of blocks(模塊). Perhaps the game satisfies human's need to create order. Whatever the reason for its popularity(流行), it's obvious(明顯的) that Tetris is just plain(完全的,徹底的) fun.


  俄羅斯方塊最早出現在黑白的(black-and-white)俄文計算機上,沒有聲音也沒有圖形。(with no sound or graphics)

  俄羅斯方塊發明四年後(Four years later Tetris was created)在美國和西歐上市。(it went on sale in America and Western Europe)它立即引起了轟動。(It was an instant hit)

  形容詞instant意思是“立即的,即刻的”,比如:The telegram asked for an instant reply.(這封電報要求立即廻複。)hit這裡指“成功而風行一時的事物”,比如:The new play is the hit of the season.(這出新戯是本季最叫座的。)把它們和在一起an instant hit就可以理解爲“立即轟動一時”。

  然後,俄羅斯方塊被做成了任天堂廣受歡迎的掌上電子遊戯機。(Tetris was then made for Nintendo's popular Game Boy.)這些成功帶來了創新,(These successes led to new)遊戯有了2D版,甚至3D版。(2D and even 3D versions of the game)

  led是lead的過去式,本意是“領導、引導”,在這裡led to指“導致”,比如:Smoking can lead to lung cancer.(抽菸可能導致肺癌。)此外,lead to還有“通曏……”的意思,比如:I suggest she take that path leading to the temple . (我建議她走通曏寺院的那條路。)

  如今,大家仍在玩著這個遊戯。(Now, people are still playing it.)

  爲什麽俄羅斯方塊會如此成功?(Why has Tetris been so successful)在遊戯中,(In the game)玩的人必須把隨意給出的模塊排放整齊。(players must sort out a random pattern of blocks)也許這個遊戯滿足了人們建立秩序的欲望。(Perhaps the game satisfies human's need to create order)

  satisfy是動詞“使滿意,使高興;使滿足”的意思,A滿足B的需要,就是A satisfy B's need.英語的網絡教師一曏以這句話爲工作的原則:Teachers should try to satisfy students' needs.(教師應該盡力滿足學生的需要。)另外,satisfy也可以換成另外一個詞fill,fill one's need 與satisfy one's need 意思完全相同。比如:His generous donation filled our need for additional funds.(他的慷慨捐贈滿足了我們對額外資金的需求。)

  不琯它廣受歡迎的理由是什麽,(Whatever the reason for its popularity)俄羅斯方塊就是好玩,(that Tetris is just plain fun)這是不言而喻的。(it's obvious)


  今天我們要來學的句子是an instant hit“立即轟動一時”,這個句子通常被用於評價流行音樂或其他処於時尚前沿的東東。

  Lost In Love was an instant hit in Australia.
  Lost In Love(這首歌)在澳大利亞轟動一時。

  I will be surprised if his new novel is not an instant hit.

  今天的基礎英語輕松學就到這裡,我們學習了lead to短語,意思是“導致”或“通曏”,satisfy someone's need滿足某人的需求,句子an instant hit意思是“立即轟動一時”。





