


Le Schtroumpf paysan: 
  Il s'occupe des champs et du potage pour le village. Grace à lui, les autres Schtroumpfs ont toujours des légumes et de la salsepareille à manger.

  Farmer Smurf: 
  Delicate ears should stay clear of Farmer Smurf's foul mouth. He's easily recognisable in his straw hat and green overalls. In general, he doesn't bother much with village life, preferring the company of his lettuce and vegetables.

  C'est le méchant sorcier diabolique. Il vit au bout de la forêt et déteste les petits hommes bleus. Sans cesse, il cherche des moyens pour détruire le village des Schtroumpfs mais il n'y arrive jamais. A chaque défaite, il promet qu'il reviendra prendre sa vengeance.

  Gargamel is a nasty, sneaky and hypocritical wizard that lives in a horrible cottage in the heart to the forest. He hates Smurfs and does everything within his power to capture them. Luckily for them, he also happens to very stupid, so they have always been able to escape. But be careful, he has sworn revenge.





