Humility and arrogance,第1張

Humility and arrogance,第2張

Along with two fellow NUS undergraduates, I have been studying in Shanghai's Fudan University since September on an inter-vasity exchange programme. The stint has proven to be an eye-opener - it has given me a better understanding and appreciation of where Singapore stands and what it takes for us to keep up with the fast-changing world.

  At Fudan University, we witness people from different parts of the world actively learning the Chinese language. Even if the driving force is the desire to reap business and economic benefits from a rapidly-developing China, the motivation to learn new things and the sheer determination to succeed are, in themselves, traits that are commendable.

  Not long ago, Beijing announced that the “Learn English Campaign” would be a nationwide effort. To link up effectively with the world after China's entry into the World Trade Organisation, even shopkeepers and primary students are encouraged to learn to speak English. Well aware of its inadequacy, China has demonstrated an irrepressible desire to catch up with the world.

  This is an example that shows the willingness to learn, change and progress.

  It begs the question: Have Singaporeans done the same? And if we have not, are we prepared to let go of our pride - because we are already well-developed and prosperous - to adopt a humble attitude and start learning from others, even countries which appear to have done less well than ours? The readiness to keep on learning is vital to our continued survival. An appropriate sense of humility is necessary, especially for small countries.

  As China's biggest city, Shanghai has made phenomenal progress over the years, thanks in part to the contribution of foreign talent. This is in spite of the anti-foreigners attitude that is still deep-rooted among some Shanghainese. In dealing with the negative sentiments of some Singaporeans over the presence of foreign talent, perhaps we can take a leaf out of Shanghai's experience.

  I had been told of an incident in which a foreign student at Fudan was not allowed to eat at the student canteen - foreign students have to go to a different canteen meant for them.

  But even as I gripe about not being able to join the circles of local students, I must admit that I was initially reluctant to move into the university's six-to-a-room hostel. We can be so self-contradictory at times.

  The two undergrads and myself can now empathise better with people from China (or foreigners of other nationalities) and understand how hurt they must feel when Singaporeans look down on them or ridicule them for areas in which they are lagging behind us. And for those who have decided to sink roots here but are made to feel unwanted, if we continue to be biased against them, how can we expect them to develop a sense of belonging to our island state?

  The lesson from Shanghai is, I think, the spirit of using the knowledge and skills of foreign talent in areas which the locals are not yet competent. Caution should, however, be exercised, in order not to arouse feelings against foreigners. Making foreigners feel rejected reflects a lack of confidence in ourselves and a misconception that they have deprived us of job opportunities.

  Besides, conceit and a sense of superiority have either blinded us to our own weaknesses or made us ignore them. We go on viewing foreign talent who have much to contribute to our continued prosperity with tainted glasses. We need to address these two problems to overcome the issue over foreign talent.

  When we witness the obstacles the Chinese face in learning English, such as the lack of opportunities to practise speaking the language, we also realise how fortunate we are to grow up in a bilingual environment and to be comfortable in both the Chinese and English languages (never mind that we are still a long way from the objective of being effectively bilingual)。

  We have also been impressed with the diligence of the Chinese, for example, listening to tapes on public transport to learn conversational English. It is clear that should we become complacent and cease to make progress, the Chinese will catch up and overtake us in no time. This may sound cliched, but it is a fact of life. Worse still, the more ignorant Singaporeans may be so contented with the progress we have made that they have become stagnant. They have no idea that compared to what other countries have achieved, our success may be rather insignificant.

  Young Singaporeans must guard against being lulled into a sense of security by our stable and comfortable life and become unwilling to “change”。 This may lead to complacency and even arrogance. The latter spells danger and may signal the beginning of a crisis.

  No country will remain prosperous forever.We would do well to remind ourselves that change is the only constant.

  (The writer is a student in the Chinese Studies Department, NUS. She is studying for a samester at Shanghai's Fudan Univerity on a Students' Exchange Programme. Translated by Yap Gee Poh)

  謙卑與自大● 王寶環



















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