


The Singapore Tourism Board launched the Step Out Singapore campaign last month with the aim of encouraging Singaporeans to go out and spend as well as tour local attractions.

  Tour agencies, clan groups and the National Kidney Foundation also organised cruises down the Singapore River and the highlights included visits to Yueh Hai Ching Temple and Fuk Tak Chi Temple (which has now become the Fuk Tak Chi Museum)。

  I was invited as a guide and was disappointed to find many Singaporeans, especially the young ones, ignorant of these monuments which are more than a hundred years old.

  Besides, they also have misconceptions about temples.

  To help them understand the cultural significance of Chinese temples, English explanatory notes should be provided for relics with historical value like stone tablets.

  Mention temples and many will conjure up an image of blackened pillars, beams and wooden plaques and the many Taoist deities placed high on a pedestal. To them, temples are inseparable from “superstition”。

  The truth is, seen from a traditional and historical perspective, Chinese temples here have served many useful and unique social functions. Worshipping is only one of them.

  Historically, Chinese temples have been closely associated with our pioneers and the emergence and evolution of the Chinese community.

  Chinese temples provide vital information and invaluable records for an understanding of the contribution of the Chinese towards the early development of Singapore.

  It is often said that we should respect and remember the pioneering efforts of thousands of “anonymous” heroes in the early years.

  Well, they are not “nameless” as such. It's just that we do not who they are. Where then can we trace their names?

  Just visit the few more-than-hundred-year-old Chinese temples here and you will find their names inscribed on stone tablets - for making donations either in cash or in kind to the construction of these temples.

  The donors were not just the rich, many were hawkers and labourers and some were even involved physically in building the temples. All this was done in the true spirit of everyone doing his bit for society.

  Surely, the devotion and efforts of the pioneers in building temples cannot be dismissed as mere superstition.

  Apart from being places of worship, a deeper appreciation of these old temples will help us discover that they have served important social functions.

  Firstly, they were early forms of “community and information centres”。

  Before the existence of clan associations, temples were places where Chinese immigrants gathered to exchange news and build relationships and find solace when they felt homesick. These temples which are modelled on those back in their hometown gave them the comforting feeling of “home”。

  Secondly, temples also served as charitable organisations at that time. The donations collected were often used to help the poor and sick.

  Sometimes, donation drives were also organised to raise funds for victims of natural disasters in China.

  Both Yueh Hai Ching Temple and Fuk Tak Chi Temple had done so in early 20th century and were even honoured with inscriptions from Emperor Guangxu for their efforts.

  Thirdly, temples were the source of financial support for many Chinese schools.

  Some rural schools were started by temples and permanent stages set up for opera singing on the birthdays of Chinese deities were used as classrooms when there was no performance.

  Lastly, temples are the predecessors of clan associations. For example, the Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan was first set up within the Thian Hock Keng Temple. At times, they are “twins” as in the case of the Singapore Hainan Huay Kuan and Kiung Chow Tin Hou Kong.

  The temples here may resemble those in China, but as they were built by Chinese immigrants, it was inevitable that they also display traits different from temples in China. The same goes for Chinese culture here which originates from China but has developed its own peculiar features.

  Chinese temples here are a microcosm of the history of Chinese immigrants and deserved to be studied in-depth.

  。The writer is an Executive Sub-editor / Repotrer of Lianhe Zaobao. Translated by Yap Gee Poh.




















