

Wind down from a hellish workweek with these trendy, totally fun tips!

1 Eat Dinner…in Bed 在牀上喫晚餐On Friday night, unwind(放松) from your 9 to 5 over a relaxing meal with a trendy twist. A few hip(時髦的) new restaurants have replaced their tables with beds, so to cash in(兌現) on the trend, set up a bunch of oversize(特大的) pillows on your living room floor, then snuggle(偎依) up and chow(喫) down. Tip: Stick to finger foods.

2 Test-Drive a Celeb Workout 嘗試名流式鍛鍊Put aside an hour on Saturday afternoon to try Budokon(班度肯,一種新型的瑜伽課程), which combines yoga(瑜伽) and martial arts(武術) with meditation(沉思).

3 Channel Your Inner Actress ?角色扮縯Invite pals(朋友) over on Saturday night for an at-home session(會議) of movie karaoke(自動伴奏錄音), an activity that's big at bars in Chicago and New York. Just pop in(突然出現) a well-known flick(電影) like Pretty Woman or Old School and act out your favorite scenes for the crowd while the real film plays in the background.

4 Have a Spring Fling 縱情狂歡On Saturday night, set your cell-phone alarm to vibrate(振動) at that time, but stash(藏匿) it under your pillow so it won't wake up your man. Then, when it goes off, surprise him by initiating(開始) an early-bird(早起者) sack session to kick off the new season.

5 Snap Up Some Loungewear 搶購便服You may have a styling arsenal of work outfits(工裝), but you deserve some trendy pieces to lounge(閑散地度過) in on the weekends too. Head to the mall(購物商場)on Sunday to spoil yourself with the latest chill-out(休閑) garb(裝扮), like spring's new slipper-inspired sneaker(運動鞋), so comfy but chic(別致) too, pastel-colored(顔色柔和的) jeans, a tunic(束腰短裝), or a peasant skirt. You'll be so comfy, you may never want to go back to work.





