


defence industries 國防工業

  Defer 延期

  Deferred 延期的

  deferred account 遞延帳戶

  deferred assets 遞延資産

  deferred payment 延期付款

  Deficit 赤字,虧損,逆差

  deficit account 赤字帳戶

  deficit balance 赤字差額

  deficit budget 赤字預算

  deficit finance 赤字財政

  deficit spending 赤字支出,透支

  deficit statement 虧損表

  Definition 定義,明確

  property rights definition 産權界定

  Deflation 緊縮

  deflation policy 緊縮政策

  Defunct company 已停業公司

  Degree 程度,度

  degree of accuracy 精確度

  degree of dependence on inport 進口依賴程度

  degree of monopoly 壟斷程度

  Degressive 遞減的

  degressive depreciation 遞減折舊

  degressive tax rate 累退稅率

  Deindustrialization 非工業化

  Delay 拖延,延期

  Delayed 過期的,拖延的,延期的

  Delegation 代表團

  delegation of authority 官方代表團

  delegation of trade 貿易代表團

  Deliver 交貨,寄信

  Delivered 已交貨,已支付的

  Delivery 交貨,交付

  Demand 需求,要求

  demand analysis 需求分析

  demand deposit 活期存款

  demand forecast 需求預測

  demand loan 活期放款

  demand note 即期票據,交費通知

  demand over supply 供不應求

  demand-pull inflation 由需求引起的通貨膨脹

  pent-up demand 被抑制的需求

  Demographic 人口統計的

  demographic analysis 人口分析

  demographic census 人口調查

  demographic situation 人口狀況

  Denationalization 非國有化

  denationalization process 非國有化過程

  Department 部門,司,侷

  department accounting 部門會計

  department in charge 主琯部門

  Depletion 折耗,損耗

  depletion assets 折耗資産

  Deposit 存款,觝押,保証金

  deposit in current account 往來存款

  deposit in foreign currency 外幣存款

  Depreciable 應計折舊的

  depreciable assets 應計折舊資産

  depreciable life 折舊年限

  depreciable property 應計折舊財産

  Depreciated 折舊後的

  Depreciation 折舊

  accumulated depreciation 累計折舊

  decreasing depreciation 遞減折舊

  depreciation account 折舊帳戶

  depreciation allowance 折舊費

  depreciation allowed 可提折舊額

  depreciation and depletion 折舊與報廢

  depreciation base 折舊基數

  depreciation by composite life method 平均年限折舊法

  depreciation by composite life method 綜郃年限法折舊

  depreciation by declining balance method 餘額遞減法折舊

  depreciation by percentage of original cost 原始成本定率折舊

  depreciation by production method 産量折舊法

  depreciation by replacement method 重置成本法折舊

  depreciation by straight-line method 直線法折舊

  depreciation by working hours method 工作時間法折舊

  depreciation expenses 折舊費

  depreciation of major repair 大脩折舊

  depreciation on fixed assets 固定資産折舊

  depreciation-annuity method 年金折舊法

  depreciation-appraisal method 估價折舊法

  depreciation-arbitrary method 任意折舊法

  Depression 不景氣,蕭條

  Designated 指定的

  designated bank 指定銀行

  designated currency 指定貨幣

  designated deposit 指定存款

  Detail 細節

  Detailed 詳細的,明細的

  detailed statement of accounts 帳戶明細表

  detailed rule 細則





